Can you perform the legal aspect of our marriage?
Yes as an Entheos Celebrant, I’m registered as a Solemniser to perform the legal aspect here in Ireland, any day of the week at a venue that meets the requirements of and is compliant with Section 52 of the Civil Registrations Act 2004. The main requirement is that the Solemnisation takes place at an identifiable address that is open to the general public. Ceremonies with no legal component can take place pretty much anywhere, (as long as we have permission from the owner!) and we are happy to work with you on this.
Is there anything we MUST include in our ceremony?
If your marriage is to be Solemnised, you and your intended spouse must make two declarations during the ceremony, in the presence of your Solemniser and witnesses:
That you do not know of any impediment to the marriage
That you accept each other as husband/wife/spouse
Beyond this, there is no requirement to mention any particular words during your ceremony, nor do we need to mention our parent organisation – the words will all be as you wish, and we will use whatever words and pronouns you and your spouse prefer.
What is Entheos Categorisation Religious / Civil / Secular?
Entheos is a non-denominational organisation, authorised to carry out ceremonies for couples of all faiths and none. Therefore, we are listed on the HSE Register of Solemnisers as a Religious Body, as opposed to Secular / Civil. This classification means that your ceremony will be under the Rites and Ceremonies of Entheos, and affords us the freedom to include religious content for those who request it, and none for those who don’t.
Entheos Ministers are committed to fostering inclusivity and accessibility, so no couple would ever be refused on the grounds of any diversity of gender, orientation, colour, nationality, ability, religion, non-religion, financial status, culture or any other reason within the bounds of Irish law. (We value the safety of our Ministers, so we do not offer ceremonies for people who we know to be racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic).
How do we register our intent to marry?
In Ireland, all couples must visit an HSE Registrar to register their Intent to Marry, NO LESS THAN THREE MONTHS before their intended wedding date. At this meeting, you will be asked for the names and details of both spouses, both witnesses (over 18 years), your chosen Solemniser, your venue and your intended date. You will then be given your Marriage Registration Form (MRF) usually in a green folder, which you will bring with you on your wedding day. Your Solemniser will request this in advance of the ceremony to check and confirm that all details are correct. During the ceremony, it will be signed by your Entheos Ireland Solemniser, both spouses and both witnesses, and it is your responsibility to return it to the HSE Registrar’s office within 30 days of your ceremony.
Further details are available from the HSE website.
How much shall the ceremony cost?
The cost shall depend on the individual ceremony, rituals, ceremony enhancements, time, date and venue all have a bearing. The actual cost shall be agreed upon in advance and be signed off during the booking confirmation and contractual phase.
How is our booking confirmed?
Once I have confirmed my availability for your date and venue, your booking is confirmed when I as your Celebrant have received the booking fee and you have returned a signed contract which I shall forward during the initial discussion phase for you to review and agree. The balance will be payable in advance of your ceremony, along with mileage fees and any additional agreed expenses as part of the agreed contract.
How long will our ceremony last?
Most ceremonies last in the region of 25-40 minutes, depending on variables such as music choices, ceremony enhancements, readings, photographs, etc. We can tailor your ceremony to fit any time requirement and hold it at any time of day, on any day of the week. We will discuss this during the planning phase, and if the requirement is different on the day that’s fine too.
How do we obtain our Marriage Certificate?
You will retain the paperwork (in the green folder) on the day of your ceremony. (You might consider nominating a responsible adult to ensure it is put away safely, immediately after the ceremony!) You must return the MRF (Marriage Registration Form) within one month to a Registrar, for the marriage to be registered. Under Section 50 of the Civil Registration Act 2004, if the completed MRF (Marriage Registration Form) is not returned to a Registrar within 56 days of the intended date of marriage recorded on the MRF, the Registrar can serve a notice on you requiring you to return the MRF within 14 days of receiving the notice. It is very important that you ensure the paperwork is returned as you cannot get your civil marriage certificate until the marriage is registered.