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Pat Dunne Wedding & Funeral Celebrant Dubin, Ireland

Here to help you share your love story.

Pat Dunne Community Celebrant for Weddings & Funerals, Ireland.


Hello, My name is Pat Dunne,


As an Entheos Celebrant, we aim to encourage and support our communities in celebrating life, honouring death and in exploring life’s deeper meanings through deep listening, co-counselling, meaningful ceremonies, and inclusive community support.

Pat Dunne Wedding & Funeral Celebrant Dublin, Ireland


Unity Candles 

These candles are utilised during the ceremony and are used to symbolise the joining of the two families. 

Remembrance Candle 

This candle is lit during the ceremony to remember those who cannot be with us. This is a meaningful and poignant way to acknowledge those whom we love & have loved us. 

Handfasting Symbol for Weddings in Ireland


This is an ancient Irish Celtic tradition, dating back to Brehon Law times. This is a memorable way to uniquely celebrate the joining of two people and is a magical ritualistic memory of the day.

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